Product News
What's new in Release 47
At Datylon, we strive to make it easier for our users to create and share data visualizations. And...
Product News
What's new in Release 46
This month’s release is focused on keeping Datylon for Illustrator future-proof. With R46, we...
Product News
What's new in Release 45
You asked, we listened! If you design charts and reports, sometimes you surely need to change the...
Product News
What's new in Release 44
Another couple of weeks have passed and here we are with yet a new version (R44) of our Datylon...
Product News
What's new in Release 43
First of all, we wish you a healthy and inspiring 2021! Let's hope that we can soon go back to our...
Product News
What's new in Release 42
Here at Datylon, we are working flat-out to make our chart maker the perfect home for your chart...
Product News
What's new in Release 41
Although we are in the middle of a hot summer at this side of the globe, we keep on working hard to...
Product News
What's new in Release 40
We are happy to announce once again a new release of Datylon. With very good news for those users...
Product News
What's new in Release 39
It's time again for some new improvements and additions to our charting platform. We invested in...
Product News
What's new in Release 38
We are happy to announce once again a new release of Datylon! This time we added the bullet chart...