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Public ESG Report Examples | Datylon

In today's world, investors and stakeholders are increasingly looking beyond financial performance. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are taking center stage, prompting companies to prioritize sustainability and responsible practices. But effectively communicating your ESG efforts can be a challenge.

This is where data visualization comes in. Compelling charts and graphs visualizing ESG insights can transform dry data into a captivating story, showcasing your commitment to ESG principles. The power of data visualization lies in its ability to make complex information understandable at a glance. Charts and graphs can reveal trends, highlight progress over time, and engage readers with a clear visual narrative. This enhances comprehension and fosters trust and transparency, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions based on your company's ESG performance.

What We'll Explore: Crafting Impactful ESG Reports

To inspire your own next ESG report or the ESG report you will create for your clients, we'll delve into industry leader examples. We'll dissect the charts and graphs used and explore additional techniques used to craft impactful reports. Think about incorporating data storytelling through annotations, a visually cohesive design with consistent branding, and charts that showcase targets, benchmarks, and progress over time. 

We believe there are three primary types of ESG communication, each serving a distinct purpose:

  1. Operational ESG Reports: These exploratory reports are designed for authorized employees and ESG service providers. Examples include interactive dashboards (for example powered by Microsoft PowerBI) that provide real-time access to the latest ESG data.

  2. Progress ESG Reports: Clear and informative reports, distributed broadly internally on a monthly or quarterly basis. These reports explain the company's ESG status and progress with annotations and highlighted key points. They aim to keep a wide range of stakeholders informed and promote data-driven action.

  3. Public ESG Reports: Designed with brand identity in mind, these comprehensive reports inform a broad audience, including shareholders, governments, and the general public. They summarize and promote audited ESG data.

Types of ESG Reports: Operational, Progress and Public

At Datylon, we can support you in the publishing of the last two types of ESG reports. With Datylon for Illustrator or Datylon Report Studio, you can design impactful Progress ESG Reports, and Public ESG Reports. Datylon Report Server even helps automate report generation, streamlining your ESG communication workflow.

For this article, we'll delve into the last category with real-world examples from industry leaders. Since these types of ESG reports are publicly available, we can learn from the best practices used by these industry leaders. However, (most of) the lessons learned from these Public ESG Reports can also be applied to Progress ESG Reports. 

For detailed insights on conveying ESG results, explore our extensive guide.

Table of content


1. Learning from Walt Disney's ESG Report: Branding and Data Clarity

2. Automated Reporting: Saving Time and Boosting Efficiency

3. Beyond Numbers: Microsoft's Strategies for Compelling Data Visualization in ESG Reports

4. Conclusion: The Power of Automation in Public ESG Reports

As companies increasingly prioritize ESG initiatives, compelling ESG reports have become a critical tool for demonstrating sustainability leadership. Let's delve into some
Public ESG Reports of big companies and we will highlight some key takeaways for you.

Learning from Walt Disney's ESG Report: Branding and Data Clarity

Walt Disney's ESG report offers valuable insights for anyone crafting their own sustainability reports. This Public ESG Report excels in creating a visually cohesive experience with consistent branding applied even to the data visualizations. This reinforces brand identity and creates a professional look.

Here are some key takeaways we collected from Walt Disney’s ESG report for you to consider:

Branding Integration: Learn from Disney's success in seamlessly integrating branding elements into data visualizations. This creates a visually appealing and recognizable report. Consistent with the report's design, the charts have gradients and the same colors for a cohesive look.











Branding integration used in Walt Disney Sustainability and Social Impact Report 2023

Prioritizing Visual Communication:
While branding is important, ensure it doesn't compromise data clarity. Text-heavy reports or relying solely on tables can be difficult to digest. Consider replacing some information with charts that are easier to understand at a glance.

Example of a table that could be replaced with a chart in Walt Disney Sustainability and Social Impact Report 2023

Focus on Clarity, Not Just Charts:
Data visualizations are powerful tools, but they shouldn't be used for every data point. Donut charts shine when highlighting specific data points within a larger context. However, for standalone numbers, a simple, well-placed number might be the clearest way to communicate the information. Remember, the goal is to enhance understanding, not just add visuals.













Donut charts used in Walt Disney Sustainability and Social Impact Report 2023


Data Readability: When using color gradients or visual elements for aesthetics, ensure they don't make it difficult to read the actual data. Opt for gradients that provide good contrast and avoid compromising data clarity.









Use of gradients in a bar chart in Walt Disney Sustainability and Social Impact Report 2023

By incorporating these learnings and focusing on a strategic mix of charts and branding elements, you can create ESG reports that are both informative and visually engaging for your stakeholders.


Nestle's ESG Report: Lessons in Data Visualization and Annotations

Nestle's ESG report demonstrates a positive step towards effective data visualization. They experiment with various chart types and incorporate helpful annotations to enhance understanding.

Here are some key takeaways we collected from Nestle’s ESG report for you to consider:

Chart Selection: When crafting an ESG report, remember that visual appeal shouldn't overshadow clarity. A captivating radial bar chart might grab attention, but for trends over time, it's not the most effective tool. Opt for a line chart instead. Line charts excel at showcasing trends, allowing viewers to easily see the rise (or fall) in your data points year-on-year. Remember, the right chart type empowers your data to tell a clear and compelling story.








Radial chart in
Nestle Creating Shared Value and Sustainability Report 2023

Less is More:
When designing an ESG report, remember that bombarding viewers with text, color, and a multitude of chart types on a single page can be overwhelming. Let your data breathe! Utilize white space effectively to create a clear visual hierarchy. Focus on presenting key data points with well-chosen charts and concise text annotations. This allows viewers to absorb information at a comfortable pace and retain the most important takeaways from your report.










One page with multiple charts out of Nestle Creating Shared Value and Sustainability Report 2023


Clarity for Everyone: Remember, an ESG report isn't just for sustainability experts. Aim for charts that are clear and understandable for a broad audience. Don't be afraid to break down complex information into simpler visuals. While a single, intricate chart might seem efficient, it can leave readers confused. If necessary, create two clear, easy-to-grasp charts to effectively convey your message. Think of it as storytelling with data – prioritize clarity over complexity to ensure your sustainability efforts resonate with everyone.











Complex bar chart in
Nestle Creating Shared Value and Sustainability Report 2023

Amplify Your Data with Annotations:
Don't underestimate the power of annotations in an ESG report. Strategic annotations can illuminate specific data points, providing valuable context and explanations. For example, if a specific metric is lower than expected, an annotation can explain mitigating factors or planned improvements. Annotations can also enrich a data story by offering insights into industry benchmarks or regulations that influenced the performance. By strategically using annotations, data can be transformed from mere numbers into a compelling narrative that fosters deeper understanding for stakeholders.












Annotation with extra information about the bar chart in
Nestle Creating Shared Value and Sustainability Report 2023


Beyond Numbers: Microsoft's Strategies for Compelling Data Visualization in ESG Reports

Spotlight Your Stars:
Not all data points deserve equal attention in your ESG report. Use strategic visual elements to draw viewers' eyes to the most impactful metrics. Highlighting the current year's data point in a contrasting color or with a call-out box is a great way to showcase progress. Additionally, consider using arrows to emphasize trends, particularly positive ones like year-on-year reductions in carbon emissions. By guiding viewers' focus, you ensure they don't miss the critical data points that showcase your company's sustainability journey.










Highlighted bar of current year in
Microsoft’s 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report

Show Your Goals, Not Just Results
: Elevate your ESG charts by incorporating targets or benchmarks. This transparency is twofold: viewers can easily compare your current performance with your aspirations, fostering trust. Additionally, industry benchmarks offer valuable context. Are you exceeding the average in waste reduction? Make it clear! By showcasing targets and benchmarks alongside results, you transform charts from static data to a dynamic story of progress toward sustainability. Ensure targets or benchmarks are prominently displayed, allowing viewers to effortlessly compare performance and fostering trust.








Stacked bar chart with target
Microsoft’s 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report

Color Consistency is Key:
When designing your ESG report, remember that a consistent color palette across all charts fosters visual harmony and viewer comprehension. Imagine having to decipher a new color code for every chart! By establishing a clear and consistent color scheme for different data points or categories, viewers only need to learn the code once. This reduces confusion and allows them to focus on the actual data and trends being presented. Think of it as a visual language – a consistent color palette guides viewers through your report, enhancing the overall user experience.

Speak the Language of Sustainability: When choosing a color palette for your ESG report, consider colors that resonate with the themes of sustainability. Greens and blues naturally evoke images of nature and water conservation, making them excellent choices for highlighting progress in these areas. Similarly, oranges and yellows can symbolize renewable energy sources like solar power. This thematic connection between color and data reinforces the message of your report. It's a subtle but powerful way to engage viewers and subconsciously connect them to the environmental and social aspects of your sustainability journey.








Microsoft’s 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report utilizes a stacked bar chart with consistent colors (aligned with previous charts) that evoke themes of sustainability

Embrace Metaphors for Impact:
When designing your ESG report, consider the power of metaphorical charts. Metaphors in ESG reports are particularly effective. They tap into our natural ability to grasp visual relationships, making data like land use footprint more engaging and memorable. Additionally, the right metaphor can subtly reinforce your message, visually emphasizing environmental impact. By strategically using metaphorical charts, you can transform your ESG report into a visually compelling story of sustainability that resonates with viewers.









Nested proportional area chart in
Microsoft’s 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report


Conclusion: The Power of Automation in Public ESG Reports

As companies prioritize sustainability and transparency, crafting impactful Public ESG Reports becomes increasingly essential. By learning from industry leaders like Walt Disney, Nestle and Microsoft, you can develop reports that are informative, visually engaging, and resonate with a broad audience.

This journey requires attention to detail – from selecting the right chart type for clear data communication to incorporating annotations for deeper understanding. However, creating compelling Public ESG Reports can be a time-consuming process.

This is where Datylon Report Server comes in. It empowers you to automate the generation of Public ESG Reports, streamlining your workflow and freeing up valuable resources. Here's how Datylon Report Server can be especially helpful:

  • Efficiency for Recurring Reports: Public ESG Reports are often released on a regular basis (annually or quarterly). Datylon Report Server allows you to automate the report generation process, ensuring timely delivery without sacrificing quality.

  • Consistent Branding and Design: Maintaining a consistent visual identity across your reports strengthens brand recognition. Datylon for Illustrator allows you to pre-define your branding elements (colors, fonts, logos) and ensure they are automatically applied throughout your new reports.

  • Dynamic Data Integration: ESG data is constantly evolving. Datylon Report Server seamlessly integrates with your existing data sources, ensuring your reports always reflect the most up-to-date information. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors.

By using Datylon Report Server's automation capabilities, you can focus on the strategic aspects of your ESG reporting – developing meaningful goals, analyzing data trends, and crafting a compelling story of your sustainability journey. This allows you to present your ESG efforts effectively, fostering trust and engagement with your stakeholders.

In conclusion, crafting impactful Public ESG Reports requires a blend of strategic planning, data visualization expertise, and automation tools like Datylon Report Server. By incorporating the best practices highlighted in this guide and embracing automation, you can create compelling reports that showcase your commitment to sustainability and position yourself as a leader in the ESG landscape.

While this guide discussed what we can learn from Public ESG Reports, internal Progress ESG Reports are used more frequently. This makes them prime candidates for automation, which can save your team significant time and resources.

Interested in streamlining your ESG communication? Book a live demo to discover the power of Datylon Report Server.


Additional Resources

What is automated data reporting? A complete guide

Operational vs. Progress ESG Reports: A Deep Dive

Climbing the Ladder of Automated Reporting Solutions with Datylon