Technical, Food For Thought
Datylon chart chat
When OpenAI released ChatGPT to the public in November 2022, both the potential and challenges of...
Technical, Report Server, Reporting
Mastering Versioned Stand-Alone Reports
In the world of data reporting, versioned stand-alone reports occupy a special niche. They are a...
Food For Thought
Halloween: run for your life?
It’s that time of the year again when you shouldn’t be surprised if you bump into...
Technical, Report Server, Reporting, SaaS
Building an automated reporting solution with Datylon Report Server
Closing the gap between engaging report designs and automated delivery of personalized information...
Report Server, Reporting, SaaS
Why embedded reporting is a game changer for SaaS companies
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses, the currency isn't...
Product News
What's new in Release 55
With this small release, we have focused our efforts on refining your experience, ensuring...
Dataviz Resources
The best data visualization tools (2024)
What do you need data visualization tools for? Whether you’re a data scientist, data visualization...
DataViz Best Practices
A deep dive into... stream graphs
As a design enthusiast, stream graphs truly speak to my mind. With their elegant and captivating...
10 dos and don’ts in report design
During my Neurobiology studies, I've read many research reports and scientific papers. These...
Product News
What's new in Release 54
We're excited to announce the revitalization of our Datylon online platform, with the newly named...