Product News
What's new in Release 42
Here at Datylon, we are working flat-out to make our chart maker the perfect home for your chart...
DataViz Best Practices
Bar Charts 101 - Tips and suggestions for your next bar chart.
Simple on the surface, the faithful bar chart is often one of the first introductions we get to...
Product News
What's new in Release 41
Although we are in the middle of a hot summer at this side of the globe, we keep on working hard to...
Product News
What's new in Release 40
We are happy to announce once again a new release of Datylon. With very good news for those users...
Food For Thought
G-E-N-D-E-R I-N-E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y, find out what it means to me
To recap: Sarah Leo, Visual Data Journalist at The Economist, wrote a great article on how even...
Press & Reviews
How reviews from users make Datylon successful
Since the launch we’ve spent a lot of time talking to users. Priorities in our product roadmap are...
Product News
What's new in Release 39
It's time again for some new improvements and additions to our charting platform. We invested in...
Product News
What's new in Release 38
We are happy to announce once again a new release of Datylon! This time we added the bullet chart...
Product News
What's new in Release 37
It's time for some nice additional color features in our platform to give you even more choice and...
DataViz Best Practices
Other ways to present bar charts
We all love readingAndy’s blog postshere at Datylon. In thelatest one, we even felt a bit...